How to get to The Diablotins
The address of the residence is :
1858 route de la Villaz
74430 Saint-Jean d’Aulps
The residence is situated in Les Onchets (if your GPS doesn’t find the exact address, it should find the name of the settlement). There’re two roads which lead to the place. The first one is the shortest when you arrive from the direction of Thonon to Saint Jean d’Aulps. It will take you near Abbaye, then it will go up 2 km (1858m to be exact) road the la Villaz. Be careful, this road is steep and we don’t recommend it in winter.
The second access road is the one that your GPS should take you if you arrive from Morzine. It takes the route du péage, then the route de Bellecombe. In winter – especially if you do not know the state of the roads – it is advisable to take a detour and take it systematically.